Saturday, December 1, 2012

The 26 Days of the Alphabet...

Keeping in theme with my FUN and EDUCATIONAL letter Christmas Tree...I decided to play a game.  Instead of the 25 days of December, we are going to play the 26 days of the Alphabet.  Each day in December I'm going to pick a letter.  I made us a book with a page for each letter for drawing, stickers, and letter writing.  When they boys can find the block on the tree with the correct letter of the day we will draw in the book the corresponding pictures from the block, pick a sticker with something that starts with the letter, and practice writing the letter.  I'm so excited about this one and cannot wait to post updates and photos!

An Alphabet Christmas Tree

Well, I have enjoyed my purple and green themed tree for years...anyone who knows me can tell you they are my favorite colors, they were our wedding colors, it seemed natural for them to be our Christmas Tree colors.  But, sadly, I have come to terms that my "themed" tree days have come to a close :(

Why? you ask. 

I have two toddler boys...two very active, 200% boy, ninety miles an hour twentyfourseven, toddler boys.  Our oldest attends Head Start and the youngest is still at home with Mommy!  I adore both of them and would not trade them for the sun, moon, and stars combined.  So, I will sacrifice my tree for their happiness for a few years.

I found myself pondering what kind of tree we should have.  I don't have many regular ornaments to decorate with.  And if I'm giving up on a regular tree, then I want an all out screaming from the rooftops "this is a kid's tree" kind of tree.  And like most moms out there I want it to be FUN and EDUCATIONAL at the same time.  I looked around on pinterest and on a few other blogs I follow, but really didn't find any inspiration there.  I thought back to my last home visit with Brennan's teacher (a quarterly parent/teacher meeting with Head Start) and recalled her emphasis on improving his letter recognition skills.  You see, these boys of mine don't slow down for much.  Getting either of them to sit still long enough for a book is like pulling baby teeth to say the least, so you can imagine what teaching letter recognition is like.  Flash cards you say? Pah, crumpled on the floor, boring!  And here is where the light bulb came on~A LETTER CHRISTMAS TREE! Its FUN and EDUCATIONAL!!!

Then came the real brainstorming...what kind of letters? Cinnamon ornaments?...nope take too long to dry.  Salt-dough?...nah, to much to decorate.  Cut outs? out of recycled gift bags?...ugh, cutting the middle is such a pain.  Wooden blocks? A-ha! A wooden block letter Christmas Tree. 

How did it turn out? FABULOUS!

What you need:
wooden blocks
eye screws
ornament hooks or ribbon

Optional items:
small nail

I went to the local Wal-Mart and picked up a pack of really nice blocks.  They are a bit larger than the ones the boys had already and they are far more colorful.  The ones I bought were by Garanimals and cost about $14.
My package of blocks...not sure why they are upside down.

I purchased the smallest eye screws I could find, also from Wal-Mart.  (Reason: if they fall out I have the option to go to one a bit larger without splitting the block.)  And the ornament hooks I had recently picked up at Hobby Lobby.  I love them!  However, I did consider using ribbon as an alternative option and I'm certain it would turn out just as well. 

The hammer and small nail/tack is optional.  After I had put in about ten of the eye screws my fingers were quite sore.  So I dug around for a tiny nail and used the hammer to tap it just barely into the block for a "pilot hole" without using a drill.  It helped my fingers a lot and I would recommend it if you are comfortable with gauging the depth needed to start the screw eye a bit easier.
Notice the eye screw is set perpendicular to the sides I want to see.  When you put a hook on the eye screw it will hang correctly.  Also, if you look closely at the blocks below you can see my "pilot hole" in the center of the blocks.
Here is a photo of my UNFINISHED tree with just the blocks on it and UNLIT so you can see the blocks!

Also, a close up with the tree lit.

I will post a photo once I have finished adding all the decorations and making my tree skirt...eek!